Webinář k Mezinárodnímu dni HR 2024 se zabývá čtyřmi klíčovými tématy, kterými se naše profese řídí na cestě vyvíjejícím se prostředím: Prosazování integrace etických technologií a umělé inteligence, nově definovaná pracoviště budoucnosti, dokonalost ve vedení lidí a neustálé investice do dovedností a vzdělávání. Od podpory rovnosti a inkluze až po podporu důvěry a posílení postavení jednotlivců jsme odhodláni utvářet prostředí, kde se inovace a etika sbližují, aby zajistily, že každý jednotlivec bude prosperovat. Webinář vám nabízíme díky členství PMF v mezinárodní asociaci personálního managementu EAPM. Webinář proběhne v anglickém jazyce.
The 2024 International HR Day webinar explores four pivotal themes guiding our profession’s journey through the evolving landscape: Championing Ethical Tech and AI Integration, Redefined Future Workplaces, Excellence in People Leadership, and Continuous Investment in Skills and Education. From promoting equality and inclusion to fostering trust and empowering individuals, we’re committed to shaping a landscape where innovation and ethics converge to ensure every individual thrives.Don’t miss out on this transformative journey – register now!
Niamh McNamara, Ireland
Excellence in PeopleLeadership: Niamh is an accomplished HR Leader with over20 years’ experience gained in multinational organisations and shared services.Niamh is currently Head of Labour Relations, People Consultants andTransformation EMEA for Salesforce. Prior to joining Salesforce in 2023, Niam hwas a Global Head of People and Organisation for Novartis.
Jarle Hildrum & Bjørn Taale Sandberg, Norway
Championing Ethical Tech& AI Integration: Jarle is Director for consulting services in HR analysis at Deloitte. He has a PhD in innovation management and has worked for 12 years as a researcher at the University of Oslo, the Institute for Labor Research and Stanford. Bjørn is Chief Strategy Officer and Transformation Lead at DNA Oyj, Finland. He is a Cand Scientist in computer science from the University of Oslo and has a Master of Management from BI
Austeja Landsbergiene,Lithuania
Continuous Investment inSkills and Education: Austeja is a PHD in Social sciences and Education and established a unique teaching methodology – contextualeducation. For her great impact changing the educational culture, in 2020Austeja was acknowledged as one of the most influential businesswomen in Lithuania. In 2022 she was nominated as Businesswoman of the year. Dr. Austeja Landsbergiene is an author an educational advisor.
Alessandra Lazazzara,Italy
Redefined Future Workplaces: Alessandra is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management at the University of Milan, Italy, where she serves as the President of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Management of Organizations and Labor.Furthermore, she holds the position of Vice President of itAIS, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems, and serves as a boardmember of ASSIOA, the Association of Italian Organization Studies Academics.
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The 2024 International HR Day webinar explores four pivotal themes guiding our profession’s journey through the evolving landscape: Championing Ethical Tech and AI Integration, Redefined Future Workplaces, Excellence in People Leadership, and Continuous Investment in Skills and Education. From promoting equality and inclusion to fostering trust and empowering individuals, we’re committed to shaping a landscape where innovation and ethics converge to ensure every individual thrives.Don’t miss out on this transformative journey – register now!
Niamh McNamara, Ireland
Excellence in PeopleLeadership: Niamh is an accomplished HR Leader with over20 years’ experience gained in multinational organisations and shared services.Niamh is currently Head of Labour Relations, People Consultants andTransformation EMEA for Salesforce. Prior to joining Salesforce in 2023, Niam hwas a Global Head of People and Organisation for Novartis.
Jarle Hildrum & Bjørn Taale Sandberg, Norway
Championing Ethical Tech& AI Integration: Jarle is Director for consulting services in HR analysis at Deloitte. He has a PhD in innovation management and has worked for 12 years as a researcher at the University of Oslo, the Institute for Labor Research and Stanford. Bjørn is Chief Strategy Officer and Transformation Lead at DNA Oyj, Finland. He is a Cand Scientist in computer science from the University of Oslo and has a Master of Management from BI
Austeja Landsbergiene,Lithuania
Continuous Investment inSkills and Education: Austeja is a PHD in Social sciences and Education and established a unique teaching methodology – contextualeducation. For her great impact changing the educational culture, in 2020Austeja was acknowledged as one of the most influential businesswomen in Lithuania. In 2022 she was nominated as Businesswoman of the year. Dr. Austeja Landsbergiene is an author an educational advisor.
Alessandra Lazazzara,Italy
Redefined Future Workplaces: Alessandra is an Associate Professor of Organization Theory and Human Resource Management at the University of Milan, Italy, where she serves as the President of the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Management of Organizations and Labor.Furthermore, she holds the position of Vice President of itAIS, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems, and serves as a boardmember of ASSIOA, the Association of Italian Organization Studies Academics.
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- bankovním převodem. Pokyny k platbě a fakturu obdržíte emailem nebo
- platební kartou přes platební bránu společnosti Comgate a.s. , tento požadavek uveďte
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